Safe Fun Aquatic
Leisure Certification

The seal that guarantees safer aquatic leisure facilities for the whole family 

Safe Fun Aquatic
Leisure Certification

The seal that guarantees safer aquatic leisure facilities for the whole family

About us

About us

Would you get into an elevator or a vehicle that hasn’t passed the annual technical inspection? Then, why not demand the same for aquatic leisure areas where the little ones in the house play?

All establishments that have the Safe Fun seal are certified by current European and/or American regulations and meet the most demanding safety standards. With this, we manage to avoid incidents and accidents, providing greater peace of mind for your family.

Safe Fun in numbers

Safe Fun in numbers


Use our safe facilities search engine and find your favorite aquatic leisure spot with the Safe Fun guarantee!

Who is
behind it

Who is behind it

The Fun Lab is an independent engineering company specializing in water parks and recreational pools. It is accredited under the ISO 17020 management system by ENAC (Entidad Nacional de Acreditación) for comprehensive safety inspections of aquatic leisure facilities on an international level, in accordance with current European (EN) and American (ASTM) standards.

We ensure water leisure activities
are 100% safe

Our mascot, Kyle Koala, has a very important mission: to achieve zero accidents in water parks and recreational pools. Will you help us achieve it?

Join our Safe Fun Community and discover how we can achieve this together!


Kyle Koala

Safe Fun Mascot

10 years of experience

Safe Fun for
establishments and businesses

Does your establishment have one or more water leisure facilities? Discover how you can obtain certification and get your Safe Fun seal.

Will you
join us?

Will you join us?

We would be delighted to have your support along with your loved ones in this initiative for safer water leisure on your vacation.

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Get in touch!

If you want to contact us, you can email us at hola@safefuncertification.com or send us a private message through our social media channels