Safe Fun, a unique certification in the world

The first seal recognizing the safety of aquatic leisure spaces and recreational pools based on existing international standards 

Safe Fun, a unique certification in the world

The first seal recognizing the safety of aquatic leisure spaces and recreational pools based on existing international standards 

Peace of Mind for Families

Did you know that in Spain, water parks are not legally required to undergo an annual safety inspection? Yet, hundreds of accidents are recorded in these recreational spaces every year. 

Facilities certified with the Safe Fun seal guarantee safe play for the whole family by rigorously and comprehensively complying with European safety regulations applicable to water parks. 

The perfect condition of the facilities helps prevent accidents, protecting users of all ages, as well as the companies that operate these aquatic leisure activities. 

Asset 1@4x

Ask about the Safe Fun seal on your next visit to a water park and ensure safe fun for your loved ones

How the safety of certified
aquatic leisure areas is guaranteed


1. Verification of all requirements outlined in applicable European EN and/or American ASTM standards. 2. The standards considered are: EN 1069 and ASTM F-2376 related to water slide safety. EN 17232 and ASTM F2461-09 for pools with water games and splash areas. On-site audit of the facilities, with all types of inspections. We check dozens of parameters, covering nearly 400 safety points.


Document review of the equipment design and the construction project of the water park or recreational pool. Annual Inspection and Certification Renewal Annually, the process is repeated to ensure that the facilities are brought up to standard and maintain the highest safety standards for the new season.

On-site audit of the facilities, with all types of checks

We check dozens of parameters, reaching nearly 400 safety points.

Annual inspection and renewal of certification

Annually, the process is repeated to ensure that the facilities are updated and maintain the highest safety standards for the new season.

In our facility inspection process,
we review safety points related to:


  • Materials 
  • Construction 
  • Maintenance and operation 
  • Safety in design and installation 
  • Handrails and safety barriers 
  • Surfaces and platforms 
  • Edges and corners 
  • Entrapment, crushing, and shearing points 
  • Correct water supply 
  • Water flow rate level 
  • Slip resistance tests 
  • Interferences between users 
  • Interferences between users and swimmers 
  • Impact zones and fall spaces 
  • Slip resistance 
  • Safety of wet areas with bare feet or splash 
  • Operation 
  • Commissioning 
  • Users 
  • Signage and information boards 
  • Documentation 


Safe Fun for
Establishments and Companies

Does your establishment have a water park and you would like to certify its facilities? Would you like to receive tips and recommendations to make your facility a safer environment? 

Learn more about how you can obtain certification 

Download our technical guide, the White Paper on Safety for Aquatic Leisure Areas in Tourist Establishments.  

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Get in touch!

If you want to contact us, you can email us at hola@safefuncertification.com or send us a private message through our social media channels