Safe Fun Community

Be part of our movement for safe leisure so that, with your support, we can the challenge zero accidents in the water leisure facilities, beaches and recreational pools!

Safe Fun Community

Be part of our movement for safe leisure so that, with your support, we can the challenge zero accidents in the water leisure facilities, beaches and recreational pools!

The value of the
eCommunity Safe Fun

The value of the
eCommunity Safe Fun

In the first half of 2023 alone, 249 people have died of drowning in Spain, and accidents in water leisure areas – beaches, swimming pools and water play areas – count by thousands.  

Safety and prevention in these spaces belong to all of us, both to those responsible for the public institutions and the management of the facilities, and to the users themselves.  

 Therefore, it is essential to demand that water play areas have all possible safety certifications, as well as that families and children commit themselves to enjoying the game in a 100% responsible way. 

Get on board

Would you like to be part of our community to keep up to date with news, studies, publications and water safety guides for your family?

What they say
about us

What they say
about us

Maria José
Maria José Madrid - Comunity of Madrid
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As a mother of four children, I am always looking for activities that are fun for the whole family, but safe since we can't watch all four of us at the same time. We love visiting water parks and I have personally seen how effective the Safe Fun Certification is in knowing that a facility is going to be safe for my children. It gives me peace of mind that they are in good hands, so I can relax and enjoy without worrying all the time.
VictoriaLondo - UK
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I am always very careful when it comes to my children's activities. Before going to a water park, especially in a foreign country. I always do a lot of research and make sure it has good reviews regarding the safety of the facility. The park's certification and the good opinions of other parents are perhaps the factors that most convince me that a facility is fun and safe.
CarmenAlicante - Valencia
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I have a small son and a baby, and finding activities adapted to both can be complicated, especially because we need them to be shallow areas, with games adapted to their age and, above all, safe. Certified water parks assure me that there are specific safe areas for different age groups, allowing me to enjoy the day with both of them without worry. Hence, on many occasions I directly search for the destination among the catalog of certified parks on the Safe Fun website.
PierreMontbéliard - France
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We often go on a family getaway when I travel for work, and I always look for fun activities for them. Having a list of certified parks gives me peace of mind knowing that, even if I can't be with them all the time, they are in a safe and well-supervised environment.
Maria José
Maria José Madrid - Comunidad de Madrid
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Como madre de cuatro hijos, siempre estoy en busca de actividades que sean divertidas para toda la familia, pero seguras ya que no podemos vigilar a los cuatro a la vez. Nos encanta visitar parques acuáticos y he comprobado personalmente lo efectiva que es la Certificación Safe Fun para saber que un establecimiento va a ser seguro para mis hijos. Me da la tranquilidad de que ellos están en buenas manos, así puedo relajarme y disfrutar sin estar preocupada todo el rato.
VictoriaLondres - Reino Unido
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Siempre soy muy cuidadosa cuando se trata de las actividades de mis hijos. Antes de ir a un parque acuático, y más en un país del extranjero. Siempre investigo mucho y me aseguro de que tenga buenas críticas en cuanto a la seguridad de las instalaciones. La certificación del parque y las buenas opiniones de otros padres son quizás los factores que más me convencen de que un establecimiento es divertido y seguro.
CarmenAlicante - Valencia
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Tengo un hijo pequeño y un bebé, y encontrar actividades adaptadas para ambos puede ser complicado, en especial porque necesitamos que sean zonas de poca profundidad, con juegos adaptados a su edad y, sobre todo, seguros. Los parques acuáticos certificados me aseguran que existen áreas seguras específicas para diferentes grupos de edad, lo que me permite disfrutar del día con ambos sin preocuparme. De ahí a que en muchas ocasiones directamente busque el destino entre el catálogo de parques certificados de la web Safe Fun.
PierreMontbéliard - Francia
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A menudo hacemos una escapada en familia cuando viajo por trabajo, y siempre busco actividades divertidas para ellos. Tener un listado de parques certificados me da la tranquilidad de saber que, aunque no pueda estar con ellos todo el tiempo, están en un entorno seguro y bien supervisado.

Safe Fun for
establishments and business

Does your establishment have a water park and would you like to certify its facilities? Would you like to receive tips and recommendations to make your facility a safer environment? 

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Get in touch!

If you want to contact us, you can email us at hola@safefuncertification.com or send us a private message through our social media channels